Saturday, June 7, 2008

Another day over...

Whew and it was a doozy! We had our yard sale today which means my laundry room/store room is now free and clear! I cleaned out the basement months ago but it was all piled in one room - drives me crazy. Now, all the stuff is gone....we sold lots and the rest went to Value Village. So glad that is finally over.

I got scorched today (without my ombrelle sunscreen!) - I just didn't think about the sun as we were selling early in the morning and then all of a sudden I was RED everywhere.

Anyhoo...the kids and I spent a very nice, quiet night at home tonight. It has been ages since we've been able to do that. I started getting the kids showered at about 7:00 and it's now 9:00 and everyone is finally finished and I just put the girls to bed. The boys are up playing Playstation 2. It really takes me 2 hours to bath the girls, have the boys shower, blow dry hair, put on finger nail polish (the girls insisted!!), read bedtime stories, get snacks, brush teeth, sing songs and say prayers. And now I'm exhausted...we started at 7:00 am this morning so I'm going to get myself a snack and watch some TV - hopefully something good will be on.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man Tammy, you're nicer mother than I!! LOL
I usually yell out "TIME FOR BED"!! and everyone puts on Pj's, brushes teeth etc..
meanwhile, I'm putting Lily to bed..Story read, and tucked in 15 mins flat! LOL (that is if I'm in a hurry!!!!) hee hee
I love those nice quiet evening that you can spend lots of time cuddling the kids.. those are THE BEST!!
We need more of them! Bring on summer vacation! I'm ready!