Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So, it's been 3 days of leaving voice messages for our Adoption Coordinator to call us back to update us on our file. She didn't bother to call us back, any of the days.

I finally emailed her today as well as her Administrative Assistant who is responsible for getting the dossier completed and the letters typed up and copies made. Again, no response.

I waited until the end of the day to call their office again, knowing they would be getting ready to head out and not in meetings. Her admin. assistant answered the phone and wouldn't talk to me at all, she immediately said she would get R. So, I spoke with R. and she is now telling me they are hoping to have our file sent by the end of this week, but no guarantees. Maybe next week, she'll see. But, she will definitely call me when it's sent! That's thoughtful of her! I questioned her over and over about different things that have delayed our file from being sent and she actually used a power outage as her excuse. Okay....the power was out for 2 1/2 hours TODAY - what does that have to do with the last 3 weeks of not having our dossier done??!!!!! That was the best she could come up with????

Another excuse was that there was lots of things to be done to have our file ready...1. a letter signed and 2. the dossier photocopied...well...

Kids Link, in the meantime, was able to retrieve our original dossier in Ethiopia and mail it back to Chris and I. So, we've had our original documents back for the last couple of days - they were able to send it all back to us BEFORE PEI could even get it together in their own office!

So, I sweetly offered to bring in the copy of our dossier that we were able to get back from ETHIOPIA to save her office some time. Since it's the exact replica of documents and paperwork we REDID for this adoption, with the exception of the homestudy (it was changed to reflect a boy from China instead of a girl from Ethiopia).

She was not pleasant to talk to on the phone. Tomorrow I am sending an official complaint to her supervisor and the supervisor above him. I am so sick to death of their power trips and deliberately delaying processes. The bottom line is this...our dossier needs to be photocopied, a letter needs to be typed up and then signed by the Director. I make a living as an Adminstrative Assistant - I know what it takes to photocopy papers - hmmm about 1/2 hour to get the dossier completely copied (it has a lot of pages). I also know how long it takes to do up a form letter that has already been saved on your computer - you just add the name to it - hmmm...about 1 minute. Yet, somehow in the last 3 weeks the Adminstrative Assistant hasn't found 31 minutes to get it done! And today, the excuse is a power outage. Yes, very professional.

At the end of the call, R. said she would call me when our dossier was sent - maybe by the END OF THIS WEEK, or maybe not!!!!!! I seriously want to throw up.


Anonymous said...

Maybe time to email Premier Ghiz as well to keep him up to speed on things.

Danielle said...

Ohh Tammy, this is terrible. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you guys! I will never understand how these people operate!!

Anonymous said...

That's horrible! Amazing how truly lazy some people are... And the lame excuses they come up with! You must be so incredibly frustrated. I'm sorry to hear about this.

Chase and Courtney

Dianne said...

What a crazy run-around they're giving you! It's absolutely ridiculous! There's really no good excuse for some of these needless beaurocratic delays we have to put up with... red tape sucks!!!!

sandi said...

Ive been there, we kept getting put off by our SW and finally I celled her supervisor and then that day she called and was sweet as pie!

Hope that they get your dossier off tomorrow!!!


Ricki said...

Grrrrr, that must be so super frustrating for you!!! Hopefully by taking it to the "higher-ups", it will get things moving.