Thursday, January 10, 2008

On the brink...

I am so sorry for my mysterious post yesterday and unfortunely, I can't give much more info today. BUT, we are on the brink of some really huge decisions. I think in my heart I know what we are going to decide but Chris and I really need to sit down and go over each and every aspect of our decision.

Whichever decision we end up making will come with extrememly exciting news as well as sad news so that's why this decision is so difficult!!!

Thank you for your support out there!!! Most of you are people I haven't even met in person yet you make me feel so encouraged and understood - I really, truly thank you for that!!!!


PS...check back tomorrow because I'm hoping I can post something more concrete about our situation!


Louise said...

Tammy....I am thinking of you and hoping that you can come to a decision..Cannot wait to hear what that decision will be..although I am sure it is a difficult one from your posts.

Dianne said...

All the best as you work through this... thinking of you and praying for you!

Danielle said...

Tammy....I can't wait to hear what this is all about!!! Hope you'll update us soon!!!! :-)