Saturday, January 12, 2008

New look...lots of excitement...

As you can see, I changed the look of our blog to reflect our adoption transition! Wow, we still find it hard to get our heads around another boy!

Our social worker is completing our amended homestudy this weekend and I'm getting all our paperwork done -mostly it's just new copies of things (birth certificates, marriage license, letters of employment, etc...). I still haven't been able to confirm with the Province that Chris and I are going this route - I tried calling all day yesterday but when our Provincial Adoption Coordinator finally called me back at 5:00, I was at hockey with Dylan. So, on Monday we will talk with her and arrange a meeting so we can get this show on the road!

I can't wait until we have pictures we can post! I'm hoping maybe by the end of next week the Province will let our agency mail us our official referral and we can find out more information and have photos to share!!!

Chris and I have realized WHY God took us down this path. We kept asking, why would we have to pursue Ethiopia, request a girl, etc...and THEN have it revealed to us that we were meant to adopt a little boy from China?? Well, over the past couple of days I keep thinking of different things to worry about - we've missed 5 years of his life, he's not a baby so we can't snuggle him and rock him and do all the things that make bonding easier, we won't be able to communicate very well, just lots of different things that would normally stress me out.

If Chris and I had chosen China back in September I KNOW myself well enough to know that I would be doubting our decision to adopt a 5 year old and all the issues that come with that. Now, we have perfect peace that God chose this little boy for us so we don't have to worry whether it's going to be okay or not. We KNOW it will be okay because God has chosen him for us!!! Isn't that awesome - to go into this adoption with a peace and absolute certainty that it will be okay! Any obstacles we may face with him will be okay because it was meant to be! And we know there will be obstacles - there is with every child and certainly with every adoption. But, we have absolute faith that God is in this with us and is loving our little boy even more than we possibly can!

Oh the possibilities....


Dianne said...

What an absolutely incredible discovery. There goes God, using his perfect plans again... :)

Dianne said...

btw... I love the new ticker you've added. It's so full of anticipation... and how amazing that you already know about the little person behind the ticking!

Karen said...


I have been a quiet "lurker" but am rejoicing with you in you news! I have recently been reminded that when it is God's vision, we can be assured of God's provision, and the recent events for your family have been further evidence to what I already knew as truth. Thanks for openly sharing the peaks and valleys.


Danielle said...

What an exciting (and surprising!) change all of this is! So happy for you guys! I will be looking forward to seeing any pictures you will post! I hope you will also post pictures of his bedroom when its complete!

Ohh, and what is his name?? Will you keep his given name or transition him into a new one?

esther said...

what WONDERFUL news, congrats!!!

Jody said...


Ignore my previous comment, now I know why the change. Congratulations!!