Thursday, January 3, 2008

Sleepover Extravaganza!

Because Christmas was so tight for us this year, we didn't give store bought gifts to our family. Financially, we just weren't able. But, we were able to give a fun gift to our niece and nephews who live here in PEI. We gave them a coupon for a sleepover extravaganza at our house! I wish I could have done this for all our nieces and nephews but the rest live away :-(

So, our 10 year old niece and our 2 nephews (8 and 5) came over to "party all night" as they were saying!

The night started off with everyone making their own pizzas and then chowing down!

All our kids LOVE to dance so we spent the next while dancing like crazy to our favorite songs and playing some "Freeze Dance". So much fun!

Next, we turned out all the lights for a little "Ghost in the Graveyard" (hide and seek in the dark). And then we played an old favorite, TWISTER. Who doesn't love Twister??!!

After all that fun, we spread out our blankets, sleeping bags and pillows and settled down for a movie. A very great night...maybe we will make this a yearly Christmas tradition. I know all the kids were counting down the days until the sleepover and were really excited about it so perhaps it's a really special gift after all!

Goodnight everyone....


Danielle said...

What a great idea for a gift Tammy! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun!

esther said...

some times those 'homemade' gifts really are the best!!!
sounds like this was one of them :)

The MacKinnons said...

This was a GREAT gift...for the kids AND for us...they had a blast!THANK YOU!!!