Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh, the blessings...

Since we heard the news yesterday about our file being ready to go to Ethiopia, my heart has not stopped pounding! (or my head - ha ha!) We have had to make some very difficult decisions about money and our file. As a mother, there is NO WAY I can let my file sit in PEI when my daughter is waiting for her family in Ethiopia. We know she is waiting, we have asked for 2-3 year old child. She is alive and breathing and needing us right now! We have completely tapped out every single resource we have but we can finally have our money ready on Monday!!!

I talked with the kids again today about Christmas.

This is what Alyssa said "All I want for Christmas is 100 million dollars and then I'll give it to my sister"

This is what Caleb said "Mom, only get me one gift. I am trying to be reasonable" (those were his exact words - hee hee!)

Dylan isn't home from school yet but yesterday he told me he would be happy if all he got was his iPod shuffle.

We found out someone will be giving us money to help with the 2 foster children we have now and over Christmas.

I also found out today that a $200 fee I was supposed to pay is being covered by someone else. They just called me to let me know I didn't have to worry about it, they would cover it.

A friend called me today and has a $200 monetary gift for us!

So, last night we stepped out on faith and maxed every last cent and already today I feel God easing our burdens.

Most importantly, mommy and daddy are going to come to you soon, sweet daughter!!!!


Anonymous said...

I will be praying that all your financial needs will be blessed. I am so happy for you that your file has left and you will be with your daughter sooner rather than later. I know what it is like to have your file ready and no money to send. We had the same thing happen to us months ago and waited and waited. In our case, it turns out that God had other plans for us as we came to realize that there are two children in Ethiopia who are meant to join our family so now we are waiting for a homestudy update to be done and the money is actually there waiting for when our file with the updated changes is ready to go. Your kids sound like great kids. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


Post Moderator said...

Please don't tell me there are 2 ;)

Danielle said...

Ohh Tammy! I am so happy that you guys are going to be able to send your file off to Ethiopia! Woohoo!!! Come home soon Lil' Mackinnon! :-)


Anonymous said...

your comments are like an old familiar song - all sources are maxed out but the kids are asleep in their beds, I would not want them to be anywhere else! Let's congratulate each other at the end of the story, sandra knight