Saturday, December 22, 2007

Loving a child...

We found out our news on Friday and it turns out it is sad news. A little boy (he's 2) who has been living with us for awhile now is leaving. They are taking him on Christmas eve to go back and live with some family members. As a foster parent, it is very difficult not to become attached to the children we care for in our homes. Especially the little ones. We have loved this little boy so much - each day is full of hugs and kisses, singing songs, playing, bath time, nurturing, comforting him at night - all of us, including our children have absolutely adored this little boy. Chances are we will not see this little boy again.

Many of you have met this little boy and have seen how much he is a part of our family. How much he adores Chris and LOVES the kids. Sweet, sweet boy...

My head always tells me these children are not mine to keep but my heart never listens. How can I be the "mommy" to a child and not completely love them? I can't.

So, on Christmas eve he will go. So much for my christmas miracle.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that news Tammy - but you still have your other Christmas miracles and another one due for next year (as do we :)!)

Have a great christmas and look forward to the new year.....

Is Eight Enough? said...


I am so sorry for your aching heart. It is such a wonderful thing that these sweet children have a loving home like your family provides. It takes a special person to love on a child and then give them back. God bless you for what you are all doing!! Praying that God will comfort your heart this Christmas and that this precious baby will feel love where he goes!


Danielle said...

Aww Tammy! How sad! Forster parenting is something I would love to do but know I could never do because like you, my heart would break every time a child is taken from our home. I'd be a total wreck. Justine is right though. It takes very special people to open your hearts and homes for Children like you do. I know it will be sad, but hang in there. :-)

Here's hoping that next Christmas will be a very joyful one!!!

Deb said...

So sorry to hear that Tam. I hope and pray it works out for the little guy.

Have a Merry Christmas

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hi Tammy,
I had a feeling that was what the bad news would be...
So sorry that your family has to go through this, especially at the time of year.
It's true that our heart leads us, even though our head may be saying something different.
I'm sure your family has left a lasting effect on that little child.
Merry Christmas,

Red Sand said...

Merry Christmas, Tammy. Sorry about the little one, hard to have sad and good news all at the same time. Congrats on the DTE... (do they say that?)