Monday, December 17, 2007

The Impossible...

I've changed my blog header to reflect our feelings on this particular adoption...

When I stop to think that our adoption is really happening, I cannot believe it! If you had asked me (or my husband!) even 8 months ago if we would adopt again I would have sadly said "No" and my husband would have emphatically said "No!". After 3 years of daily "harassing" my husband about adopting again, praying God would change his heart, praying for the impossible to happen, we are actually on the journey to another precious child!

My husband said 4 children was enough (we have 3 but always have a foster child living with us).
He said it was way too much money to adopt
He said we wouldn't have the financial resources to raise another child.
He said he didn't want to be "old" and have a baby. (Umm, he's only just turned 36)
He said that even if he agreed to adopt "just one more time", it wouldn't be enough for me and I would continue on my adoption quest forever. (by the way...he wants me to sign a contract that this will be our last adoption - ha ha ha...not a chance!)
He said we couldn't adopt the world.
He said it was way too much money!!!
He said it was way too much money!!
He said it was way too much money and we're still trying to bounce back from our last adoption.

This is what I heard "blah blah blah". Just kidding...I could not listen to his "reasoning" because no child's life should ever be measured by money. I also knew that Chris is and would be the most amazing father. He adores all his children and he makes each one feel like they are the most special child on earth! He loves them, encourages them, plays with them, talks with them, reads to them, spends time with them, gives them advice...Even the foster children we have had in our home still call and visit because of the love they were shown.

I have had TONS of emails, visits and phone calls from families all over wanting to adopt. The #1 reason I hear for men not wanting to adopt is MONEY. It is so sad that we would stop pursuing a child becasue of money. And let's face it, in America (Canada) we have more than enough, even when we think we don't! Are you really going to starve or lose your house if you set aside money for an adoption? Would it be the end of the world if you added a part time job for 10 months of your life to bring a child to their family? Would it be too much to ask to step out of your comfort zone and hold a fundraiser to bring your child home? What else would you like to spend your money on? What will you buy that will make you happier or give you more joy than the love of a child?

If money is your reason for not adopting, EMAIL ME and I will find a way to fundraise your adoption. I am NOT kidding!!!!

ASK for the impossible, BELIEVE the impossible, SEE the impossible happen.

God loves to do the impossible.

Each child deserves to have the impossible done for them!

Watch this video...this is what impossible looks like!

Alyssa's Gotcha Day - January 24, ,2005


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

How many times have I watched that video? Oh my gosh. It was the first gotcha video I had ever seen. Amazing.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom Tammy.

Dianne said...

Q: how can I watch that video and stay dry-eyed?
A: I can't!


Thanks for visiting my blog! I recognize you from message board posts (esp today!), and always appreciate the thought you've obviously put into what you say. How great that our files are so close.

Hoping your journey to your daughter is a smooth and joyous one! I'll be following it! :)

Monique said...

God I was in tears watching Alyssa's gotcha day video. I am trying so hard to raise money to adopt from China and everytime I see these videos I cry because I am happy and because I wish it were me. I feel it does seem impossible, but I am trying.