Monday, December 10, 2007

Just had to post... everyone is feeling really bad for us because we have completely tapped out all our resources to get our file sent. (If you feel bad enough, see the donate button on the side - ha ha ha!) I just want to say that even though we are completely broke, and it's Christmas, we are so ELATED to finally have our file sent to Ethiopia. I really can't express what a feeling it is to have it on its way. We know we have a long wait ahead of us - probabably around 8 months before we travel (and for all my friends adopting from China I KNOW that is not a long time to you guys - I'm sorry!). But, with our file in Ethiopia, anything can happen now - like getting matched with our precious daughter!!! We could see her face within weeks! I really can't stop smiling! We've had some really amazing friends and family rally around us this weekend and help us with resources and support! Amazing!

So, remember my post a few days ago about Christmas miracles...we have our children safe and healthy here with us and now we are anticipating the arrival of another! How much better can it get?!


Danielle said...

I am just so thrilled for you guys that you were able to get that file sent off. Its TOTALLY worth being broke at Christmas! I hope that you will see the face of your daughter very soon! :-)

Natalie & Daniel Arsenault said...

Oh Tammy, I have been behind in the times, I had no idea how much was going on with your file. (I don't get to catchup on my reading like I used to.) You have such wonderful children, you are truly a great family!!

Deb said...

AWww! I love that picture. What sweet little blessings!!!