Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Feeling pretty bummed...

Last night was a pretty tough night for me...I am trying so hard to stay upbeat and optimistic! And, in reality, I have so much to be thankful for. It is so hard to wait for our child when everything is completely out of our control. We are completely dependent on others to finally be united with our daughter. I keep trying to remember we have 4 beautiful children in our home right now to care for (3 of ours and one foster) and to love and to hug and kiss. I know there are many families waiting and longing for their very first child(ren) and that must be unbearable.

Our agency is closing down over Christmas and there is already a backlog of files waiting to be issued court dates, medicals, visas, etc...So, even if we do get a quick referral we will still have a LONG time to wait before we travel to Ethiopia. There is another family who has been waiting 8 months since her referral.

It's so easy to say "It's all God's timing" and I probably do believe this :-) but right now, my heart is sick! I just can't believe it's going to be so long....

Maybe tomorrow will bring better news...


Julie M. said...

Hopefully you will get some good news soon. Hang in there, and try to keep busy (I am sure you have no problem with that with 4 kids...ha). I know how tough these days are, and really there is nothing I could say to make it better. Just remember that your child is making their way to you, and that is why there is delays. Everything happens for a reason, and once your child is home, you will forget about all of these wait times.

Anonymous said...

After hearing the rumblings today about longer wait times both before and after referral, I am finding it hard not to get discouraged but I have to trust that God has our children already chosen for us and knows the timing already. But waiting is so hard.


Danielle said...

Hang in there Tammy!...I know I am not one to talk....but what other choice do we have, right? LOL!

But Julie is right, your child is making their way to you right now. THAT is the child you'll be meant to adopt and this is the reason for all of these delays.
