Wednesday, May 21, 2008

24 Days and Counting!

WOW, the time is definitely flying by. Unfortunately, we still do not have our Letter Seeking Confirmation. We had to send a document by courier to CCAA and it landed there on Monday. A stupid mistake on my part - I forget to sign one of the things in our dossier - DUH!!! How could I have missed it????'s been resent to CCAA and I've been told our dossier has 2 more administrative stops and then the letter will be sent to our Province. Come on Letter!

There is so much to do...I've basically thrown out my "to do" list - it's just too overwhelming to even look at it! I will be lucky if I actually get the suitcases packed and my kids situated at their Aunt and Uncle's house! Our little foster girl is still with us and she is going to be going for Respite while we are in China. Dylan and Alyssa are staying together at Chris' brother's house for the 1st week and then my Dad is coming over from NS to stay at our house with them for the 2nd week.

Chris is working as much overtime as he can so he can take time off in lieu rather than use vacation days.

I am trying to make booklets for the kids - I made these the last time we traveled to China - I did up a day by day lamanated book with information on what we would be doing that day in China along with pictures and messages from us. The boys really loved it when we were away last time and it was something they read each night before bed. So, I'm trying to do up 3 of those for Dylan, Alyssa and our foster daughter. I'm also doing up a book for Evan to have - kind of like the one I sent him in his care package. A lamanated scrapbook of our family and home, etc... I wonder if he will bring the one I made for him with him on Gotacha Day?

So, everyday life is overwhelming me with busyness so I definitely don't have time to do anything on my "dream list". We have lots of donations to take as well so I'm trying to figure out how to pack that. We are trying to pack as LITTLE as possible because last time we had WAY TOO MUCH stuff and it was really hard to cart around. At least this time it will be summer so all we need are tank tops and shorts. And, Evan is 5 so we don't need to pack a gazillion diapers, bottles, blankets, sleepers, etc... to make a new, more realistic list!!!!


Dianne said...

Eek! I'm happy for you... this is a good kind of whirlwind to get caught up in! :D

Unknown said...

Man!! Incredible!!
You're going to be running around for the next fews weeks like a crazy woman! LOL

You give me hope everyday that our letter could still come!!!

Have you gotten Evan his visa/immigration stuff? We still have to do this for Hanlin.