Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Secret Pal gift

A very special thank you to my secret pal for her thoughtfulness and caring with the gift she gave me. She sent me an "Adoption Miracles" book and a journal with a few adoption poems written in it and I needed to read them today - for some reason they made me feel closer to Evan and to the dream of finally being with him.

Our Child

With anxious hearts and open arms
We sought you everywhere
You, dear child, are a gift from God
The answer to our prayer

No matter whether birth or choice
A home is blessed from above
When caring parents claim their child
A family is formed by love

~Author Unkown~
Our sweetest little Evan

For finding your mother,
There's one certain test
You must look for the creature
Who loves you the best

~David Kirk~ (Little Miss Spider)

Thanks again Secret Pal!

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