Life has been an absolute whirlwind these last 2 weeks! I started my new job and have been training every day. I'm not used to working full time outside the home and it's been a huge adjustment with all the crazies, I mean kids, to take care of at home! This week will be my last official week of training and then I go back to only 3 days a week. That will be a much more manageable schedule for all of us!
Alyssa and Evan also started at a new babysitter's so that was an adjustment, although I have to say they are really enjoying it! It definitely helps that they have each other and they seem to be two peas in a pod! I can't believe the difference in how they interact together...honestly, in the summer Alyssa was just so distressed about Evan and all the attention she perceived he was getting and she wasn't (of course this was her perception, not reality). Now, they spend hours together every day playing, coloring, doing crafts, etc... What I find really cute is Evan will play barbies with Alyssa and then next time I check Alyssa will be playing soccer with Evan or trying out the gamecube (which she NEVER did before Evan came home).
The other day we were driving in the van and I overheard Alyssa say "Evan, isn't it good that there are 2 of us from China in our family!"...oh, I love that they share a connection!
Dylan had a hockey tournament this weekend (I totally forgot the camera!!) and it was crazy busy! He had 5 games and they took 2nd place overall. I LOVE to watch Dylan play hockey but I'm so competitive that it actually stresses me out a bit :-) I'm also coaching Caleb's basketball team so this has added to our crazy schedule. His b'ball team is for boys ages 10-11 and there are 18 of them! They are an amazing group of boys! Dylan just joined the team as well but he has never played b'ball before so he's having fun learning the game.
There's been so much I've wanted to post about but just haven't had the time to sit down at the computer and think clearly. Even now it's 10:00 pm and I'm frantically typing so I can get to bed (early work morning). Maybe in the next few days, I'll get a chance to write some of what's going on inside this complex brain of mine...ha ha ha...
Can anyone out there really believe Christmas is only 25 days away? Like, really, how did that happen!!??
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Home Sweet Home
well, we all got home on Monday and Evan is doing fabulous! He started coming around on Monday and by Tuesday he was back to himself. So far, so good! We've even noticed a difference already in his speech...clear sounds instead of nasally.
I started the new job...I think I'm really going to enjoy it. Finished the "bookwork" training part and now I get to job shadow for 2 anyone who has been thinking of giving blood or plasma, give us a call and you can come in and visit us!!! (1-888-2-DONATE)
We're working on an amazing website and our plan is to "launch" it by the end of November in honor of National Adoption Month. It will focus on all adoption related issues, book resources, support groups and events happening in PEI (related to adoption or cultural activities for our children), and lots more. The focus of the website will be on adoption in general, not just international. We will include whatever we can on domestic, private and international. Stay tuned...I'll post the link when it's ready to be seen by the world! :-)
THANK YOU for all your kind, wonderful emails, phone calls and comments during Evan's surgery. He is such an incredible little guy! For any and all of you who read my blog...I truly encourage you to consider the waiting child program! Not only in China but in any country...there are so many amazing, healthy children available through these programs and each and every one deserves the love of a family.
Okay...enough of the lecture...enjoy your night!!!
I started the new job...I think I'm really going to enjoy it. Finished the "bookwork" training part and now I get to job shadow for 2 anyone who has been thinking of giving blood or plasma, give us a call and you can come in and visit us!!! (1-888-2-DONATE)
We're working on an amazing website and our plan is to "launch" it by the end of November in honor of National Adoption Month. It will focus on all adoption related issues, book resources, support groups and events happening in PEI (related to adoption or cultural activities for our children), and lots more. The focus of the website will be on adoption in general, not just international. We will include whatever we can on domestic, private and international. Stay tuned...I'll post the link when it's ready to be seen by the world! :-)
THANK YOU for all your kind, wonderful emails, phone calls and comments during Evan's surgery. He is such an incredible little guy! For any and all of you who read my blog...I truly encourage you to consider the waiting child program! Not only in China but in any country...there are so many amazing, healthy children available through these programs and each and every one deserves the love of a family.
Okay...enough of the lecture...enjoy your night!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Oh Bummer!
Darn it all...we are back in the hospital with Evan. We were discharged yesterday afternoon but we decided to stay in halifax to see how Evan would do before we made the 4 hour drive back to PEI. Evan was so sick all night...he wouldn't/couldn't drink anything and he kept throwing up. He was still doing that this morning so we brought him back to IWK and they said we should stay here again for the night and get some fluids (via IV) into him.
It is now 9:00 pm and he is so much better!!! He is much less cranky (praise the Lord!!!) and has been eating lots of squishy foods (soup, pudding, ice cream....). I'm sure we'll be able to leave tomorrow morning and head back to PEI.
Evan's lips are back to normal and now we can see inside his mouth to see the hole (or that there isn't a hole anymore). It all looks really good.
On another note...I start a new job this week - my training starts on Wednesday so hopefully all will be well with Evan by then. I will be working with Canadian Blood Services and I'm really excited to be working for them and to have steady (but part-time!) employment. I'll be working 3 days a week which should be perfect as it still leaves me days off with Evan and Alyssa and time to get all the other household stuff/errands done!
Also.... A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD - he turns 60 today!!! I wish we could have all gone down to Digby, NS to celebrate with him but we aren't able. Dad and mom did come to visit Evan and us yesterday in the hospital so it was very nice to see them!!
Hopefully next time I update, we'll all be home in PEI!!
Thanks again for your well wishes and prayers!
It is now 9:00 pm and he is so much better!!! He is much less cranky (praise the Lord!!!) and has been eating lots of squishy foods (soup, pudding, ice cream....). I'm sure we'll be able to leave tomorrow morning and head back to PEI.
Evan's lips are back to normal and now we can see inside his mouth to see the hole (or that there isn't a hole anymore). It all looks really good.
On another note...I start a new job this week - my training starts on Wednesday so hopefully all will be well with Evan by then. I will be working with Canadian Blood Services and I'm really excited to be working for them and to have steady (but part-time!) employment. I'll be working 3 days a week which should be perfect as it still leaves me days off with Evan and Alyssa and time to get all the other household stuff/errands done!
Also.... A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD - he turns 60 today!!! I wish we could have all gone down to Digby, NS to celebrate with him but we aren't able. Dad and mom did come to visit Evan and us yesterday in the hospital so it was very nice to see them!!
Hopefully next time I update, we'll all be home in PEI!!
Thanks again for your well wishes and prayers!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
He's done!
Mommy and Evan getting ready for the OR...I went in when they put Evan to sleep
Evan back up in his room after surgery...
Evan is through surgery and is doing well. He looked worse than we expected when we saw him in Recovery but he looks much better now. His lips are really swollen and lots of blood in his teeth, etc... Evan was so cute when he woke up because he was so proud that his hole was finally closed that he began tapping me and trying to open his mouth to show me his hole was gone.
He also had 4 teeth removed (2 that were "useless teeth" stuck up in his clefts in his gum and 2 rotten ones in the back. He also had several capped with silver and now he looks like a pirate :-)
His brother, Caleb told him he would get $10 from the toothfairy for losing all those teeth so he keeps asking for his ten dollars.
The surgeon said Evan's palate closure went really well...we have tried to see it but it's pretty swollen right now so we can't see too much. The surgeon also extended his soft palate in the back as well...all of this will really help with his speech, too.
Evan had a difficult time last night as he was continually throwing up yet he still insisted on playing his gamecube. He is hooked up to IV so he can't really play and when I looked over at him, he was just kind of laying there looking at the screen but not playing. Too tired and groggy...I guess just knowing it was there was comforting to him :-)
Thank you for all your nice comments and prayers!!!!
If Evan starts to drink on his own we may be able to break free of the hospital!
More later....
Friday, November 14, 2008
We're at the hospital
Just a quick note that we are at the hospital. Evan has been in surgery for a little over 3 hours and it should be only another hour or so. He is also having dental surgery as well as cleft palate surgery.
We are in his room getting everything set up and ready...of course I couldn't go without the computer so Chris has set it up for me!!! We did up Evan's hospital bed with his favorite spiderman blanket, his pillow and some stuffed animals. We bought him a HUGE Diego helium balloon and he is going to love it. A very sweet little girl in the next room is going home today and she gave us a HUGE Dora balloon as well so we have those hanging over his bed for when he comes up from recovery.
Will update more later tonight...
Just a quick note that we are at the hospital. Evan has been in surgery for a little over 3 hours and it should be only another hour or so. He is also having dental surgery as well as cleft palate surgery.
We are in his room getting everything set up and ready...of course I couldn't go without the computer so Chris has set it up for me!!! We did up Evan's hospital bed with his favorite spiderman blanket, his pillow and some stuffed animals. We bought him a HUGE Diego helium balloon and he is going to love it. A very sweet little girl in the next room is going home today and she gave us a HUGE Dora balloon as well so we have those hanging over his bed for when he comes up from recovery.
Will update more later tonight...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
3 more sleeps!
I forgot to mention....November is National Adoption Month and our PEI Adoption Coalition initiated media exposure to bring awareness and share in celebrating our Island families who have adopted or been adopted (domestically and internationally). The first set of stories will be featured in The Guardian on Saturday. Don't forget to pick up a copy!
First off... if Bethany Dobbertin is reading this, please send me your email! I'd love to chat with you about our children and find out if they are from the same orphanage!! My email is
We are down to 3 sleeps until Evan's surgery...he is having his fistula closed (hole in his palate) and dental surgery. I'm not sure how many teeth they are removing - I think about 4 or 5. We are taking Alyssa with us and Caleb and Dylan will be staying with a few different families but they are very excited about all the sleepovers with their friends/cousins!!
Evan is very excited about having his "hole closed" (as he says). He's happy to know I will be sleeping in the room with him and Alyssa will be there to play games with us. We are taking his beloved Gamecube so he and daddy can play MarioCart!
I had a great time meeting some amazing, wonderful families at the Adoption Training Conference this weekend. There were so many moving adoption stories...I love hearing them!
I can't believe we are down to 44 days until Christmas and 90 days until Evan's "happy birthday". (he always calls it that) For some reason, Evan LOVES to countdown for events. We counted down Alyssa and Dylan's birthdays, Halloween, his surgery, still counting for Christmas, Caleb's birthday and of course, his birthday. Any time I mention something we are going to be doing, he says "how many is that?"
Still...can you believe Christmas is only 44 days away!!!!!! My friend Carolyn talked about this on her blog and I thought I would check back and see what was happening...she went back one year on her blog to see what was going on in her life...I went back one year ago and it's hiliraous to see how much things have changed and what God has done in our lives...this is what I wrote ONE YEAR AGO...
Our file is being translated RIGHT NOW!
Kids Link emailed me to let me know our file was sent to Ottawa 2 days ago to be translated, legalized and authenticated! We are so thrilled!!! Let's pray for a very quick turn around in Ottawa and then it can finally head to Ethiopia!!!
Waiting very anxiously for our sweet girl!
Isn't that weird??? Yup! One year ago we were submitting our dossier for a little girl from Ethiopia!! Now, one year later, we are home with our sweet BOY from China and he is so amazing! I would never have guessed one year ago that this is where God would lead us or what he had prepared for us!!!!
Please say a prayer for sweet Evan as he goes in for his surgery.
First off... if Bethany Dobbertin is reading this, please send me your email! I'd love to chat with you about our children and find out if they are from the same orphanage!! My email is
We are down to 3 sleeps until Evan's surgery...he is having his fistula closed (hole in his palate) and dental surgery. I'm not sure how many teeth they are removing - I think about 4 or 5. We are taking Alyssa with us and Caleb and Dylan will be staying with a few different families but they are very excited about all the sleepovers with their friends/cousins!!
Evan is very excited about having his "hole closed" (as he says). He's happy to know I will be sleeping in the room with him and Alyssa will be there to play games with us. We are taking his beloved Gamecube so he and daddy can play MarioCart!
I had a great time meeting some amazing, wonderful families at the Adoption Training Conference this weekend. There were so many moving adoption stories...I love hearing them!
I can't believe we are down to 44 days until Christmas and 90 days until Evan's "happy birthday". (he always calls it that) For some reason, Evan LOVES to countdown for events. We counted down Alyssa and Dylan's birthdays, Halloween, his surgery, still counting for Christmas, Caleb's birthday and of course, his birthday. Any time I mention something we are going to be doing, he says "how many is that?"
Still...can you believe Christmas is only 44 days away!!!!!! My friend Carolyn talked about this on her blog and I thought I would check back and see what was happening...she went back one year on her blog to see what was going on in her life...I went back one year ago and it's hiliraous to see how much things have changed and what God has done in our lives...this is what I wrote ONE YEAR AGO...
Our file is being translated RIGHT NOW!
Kids Link emailed me to let me know our file was sent to Ottawa 2 days ago to be translated, legalized and authenticated! We are so thrilled!!! Let's pray for a very quick turn around in Ottawa and then it can finally head to Ethiopia!!!
Waiting very anxiously for our sweet girl!
Isn't that weird??? Yup! One year ago we were submitting our dossier for a little girl from Ethiopia!! Now, one year later, we are home with our sweet BOY from China and he is so amazing! I would never have guessed one year ago that this is where God would lead us or what he had prepared for us!!!!
Please say a prayer for sweet Evan as he goes in for his surgery.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
On my own...
I'm in Memrmamcook this weekend (just outside Moncton, NB) for an Adoption Training Conference. I was asked to be a Parent Liaison for PEI by the Adoption Council of Canada. They are doing a pilot project on implementing post adoption support groups in each of the Canadian provinces so the training is designed to help the Parent Liaisons set up groups, network, have workshops on different adoption issues, etc...
I've met a great group of ladies (and 1 man) from NS, NB, PEI and Nfld. It's been nice to be put up in a hotel for the weekend and to hear other amazing adoption stories from these families!!!
Chris is home on the range with all the hooligans and all is well!!! Even Nathan is over for the weekend (our 19 year old who lived with us for MANY years!) so the kids are very excited about that.
Enjoy the weekend!
I'm in Memrmamcook this weekend (just outside Moncton, NB) for an Adoption Training Conference. I was asked to be a Parent Liaison for PEI by the Adoption Council of Canada. They are doing a pilot project on implementing post adoption support groups in each of the Canadian provinces so the training is designed to help the Parent Liaisons set up groups, network, have workshops on different adoption issues, etc...
I've met a great group of ladies (and 1 man) from NS, NB, PEI and Nfld. It's been nice to be put up in a hotel for the weekend and to hear other amazing adoption stories from these families!!!
Chris is home on the range with all the hooligans and all is well!!! Even Nathan is over for the weekend (our 19 year old who lived with us for MANY years!) so the kids are very excited about that.
Enjoy the weekend!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So much happening!
WOW, the time is simply flying by! I feel like I can't keep up with everyone's news, the blog, the events for our family....whew!
First off...congratulations to a couple of PEI families - our great friends, Megan and Shawn found out they will be traveling to Ukraine over Christmas! They have an appointment on Dec 15th to view child files and we are so excited they will finally see their daughter's face and get to meet her!!! Congratulations to Deanna and Calvin who recieved their referral for a precious little girl from Ethiopia - she is only 7 months old! How exciting!!
The kids had a BLAST over Halloween as you can imagine. Evan thought it was great but he just didn't have the stamina to keep up with the rest of the gang. Even the lure of candy wasn't enough to motivate him to "move it along!". He did get lots of candy and enjoyed the night. Alyssa has always been a trooper on Halloween nights and this time was no exception! She kept up with all the big kids and got loads of treats. We were out about 1.5 hours, walking through our subdivison. Our older boys went to every single house in the subdivision and they totally got the motherload! (I call it that because I'm eating most of it! Hee hee!)
We also had our FIRST snowfall for this wasn't much BUT it was blowing around and some of it stayed on the ground. Evan was absolutely beside himself - he immediately got dressed and headed outside with Dylan and Alyssa. He loved it!!
We also went skating for the first time this year, and of course, the first time ever for Evan. He kept saying over and over and over "I just can't believe it! I just can't believe it" "I love it, mommy, I love it!" He is so cute!
Look at our gorgeous little man! He is so sweet growing so fast! He is filling out and has gotten a few inches taller. And look at his's getting longer! (It was buzzed when we got him in China)
First time on skates...after about 15 mintues he was able to go on his own.
Sweet girl Alyssa...she loves to skate, too!
First off...congratulations to a couple of PEI families - our great friends, Megan and Shawn found out they will be traveling to Ukraine over Christmas! They have an appointment on Dec 15th to view child files and we are so excited they will finally see their daughter's face and get to meet her!!! Congratulations to Deanna and Calvin who recieved their referral for a precious little girl from Ethiopia - she is only 7 months old! How exciting!!
The kids had a BLAST over Halloween as you can imagine. Evan thought it was great but he just didn't have the stamina to keep up with the rest of the gang. Even the lure of candy wasn't enough to motivate him to "move it along!". He did get lots of candy and enjoyed the night. Alyssa has always been a trooper on Halloween nights and this time was no exception! She kept up with all the big kids and got loads of treats. We were out about 1.5 hours, walking through our subdivison. Our older boys went to every single house in the subdivision and they totally got the motherload! (I call it that because I'm eating most of it! Hee hee!)
We also had our FIRST snowfall for this wasn't much BUT it was blowing around and some of it stayed on the ground. Evan was absolutely beside himself - he immediately got dressed and headed outside with Dylan and Alyssa. He loved it!!
We also went skating for the first time this year, and of course, the first time ever for Evan. He kept saying over and over and over "I just can't believe it! I just can't believe it" "I love it, mommy, I love it!" He is so cute!

Our best family photo to date! I look so ugly - can you believe people had the nerve to say to me "Oh tammy, you decided NOT to dress up this year?" Ha ha ha...very funny people!!!
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