Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Need your advice!

If you were unhappy at your job (long hours, very inflexible schedule, no benefits) would you quit it and work at another job that was great (much better hours, much more flexible, great benefits & vacation package) BUT the job was less pay per year?

What would you do? Be honest...leave your answer/advice in the comments....they will be much appreciated!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'd definitely leave for the new job... You have to be happy where you're at before you can worry about your pay in my opinion. Hopefully this helps a little...


Is Eight Enough? said...

I would definitely leave the job. God will meet all your needs. YOu will be amazed at how he does. Just today I was skating with my kids - we have never had to buy skates for our kids. People just give them to us! The other day my husband came home with a pair of size 8 ladies perfectly sharpened nice skates for me. My kids had been bugging me to skate. I was too lazy. I hadn't got to the store. Yada yada yada! LOL!! God wanted me skating with my kids!!

When we moved to our country home, we left a thriving booming construction business on the coast. We moved to a remote area where people renovate houses - not build new ones. My husband was a new construction builder!!!

For 16 months he commuted and worked four hours away. He came home for a weekend once a month or so. Finally in a huge step of faith he left the coast and came to us for good. We trusted the Lord to provide work. He did. Bit by bit. Tiny bits. Over the years his clientelle and reputation grew so huge. Now he can't keep up with his work.

God has met our needs exceedingly! My husband now builds 2-4 new houses a year, plus other construction work. More work than he can manage!

So we basically left that same $20,000 behind. We knew it could mean welfare when he came home for good. But God blessed our step of faith and belief in HIM!

Tell us what is going on?! *smile*

Anonymous said...

Oh yah! I'd definitely move on. We have had a situation (actually we are in one like that right now, again!) like Justine's and I can vouch for the Lord. If you are sure that what you are moving towards is better in the other areas, then the provision really does come. God takes care of our needs, but as she said. It happens in His timing not necessarily when we think it should. Never too early or too late. :0) Sounds like you should go for it. Shelley

Anonymous said...


Ricki said...

I think I would leave the old job. The extra benefits the new job offers sound to me like they make up for the $20,000 you'd be leaving behind.
Happiness is worth more than money so as long as the decreased income wouldn't cause serious financial issues I would say go for it!

Unknown said...

We're in the same boat right now as you...heading back to China in a few months...
I asked my husband this question.
He said "Not right now, I can't. But after this year, I would for sure!"
"I'd rather be happy, we would make things work!"
(still waiting for our file to get sent to China......)