Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back home...back to reality!

So, I'm home! I got home last night about 12:45 am. It felt so good to be in a familiar town. It was exciting to see the kids again and Chris, of course. He is exhausted and glad to see me as well :-) I have to say, he did really well. It's not easy having the 4 kids all day and night for 4 days!!! The laundry was also completely done, the house was extremely neat and the kids were bathed/ all in all....a great job for a man! ha ha ha ha (but, really!)

The Conference was amazing! I was able to go to many fantastic workshops and I spent 3 hours at a training workshop on handling racism in transracial families. It was a real eye opener for me. I thought I knew a lot about adoption but I really, really needed to hear what I did. I feel like I should gather every adoptive parent and read them all my notes so they can hear it too! So often, we belive love is enough but it so isn't. It's definitely important and essential but it will not be enough.

So, now I'm in the midst of planning a Maritime Adoption Conference. I have asked a couple of great speakers to come for 2 days and we will have some agency personnel as well. Of course, we'll keep you posted on that!

I have lots of pictures of the kids but haven't had a chance to load them on the computer. I'll post some in the next day or so. Evan continues to do very well and I feel very refreshed and energized after my time away so I'm hoping this next month will be WAY better than the last month! I also had some great talks with my agency directors (Bob and Yulin) and they were very helpful with advice and very supportive. They live in Ottawa and they were fabulous while I was in Ottawa...Yulin took me on a tour of Ottawa, they bought me supper (and lunch) and then had me over to their house for supper where I was able to meet their daughter (adopted from China), Yulin's mom, her nephew and Mike (who also works for FOI). They really took care of me which I needed because I was really nervous being all alone! I'm a bit of a wuss!

So, stay tuned about the adoption conference in PEI becasue it's going to be amazing - plus we will get to socialize and hang out - what a blast!


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

OMGosh, Tammy, that makes me want to drive to your house now and hear ALL about it!!

Sounds like you had an awesome time and were treated very well by Bob and Yulin!

Can't wait to hear more about it...

Anonymous said...

Tammy, it sounds like the conference was well worth it. I'm really looking forward to hearing what you learned. I'm a bit nervous about Jane entering grade 1 because, like you said, I know love just isn't going to be enough and sometimes I feel ill equipped to handle the situations that may come up. Looking forward to the Maritime Conference!

Kathy G.

Sarah Rodgerson said...

Can't wait for the maritime conference, sounds like you learned a lot! You will be such a great help to the rest of us...

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy, do you have a rough idea when the adoption conference on PEI will be?