Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rolling along!

It is so hard to believe we are almost at the end of August! Dylan has started back with hockey- he is attending camp this week and again next week and then he'll be heading to tryouts. It seems like we just finished and here we are again back at the rink. I actually love it and look foward to Dylan's hockey season. I took Alyssa and Evan to the rink yesterday to watch Dylan and Evan kept complaining that he was cold! Oh, he has so much to get used to! The rink will soon be his second home! :-)

Alyssa and Evan start full-day Kindergarten in less than 2 weeks!! I took them today to see their new school, classroom and to meet their teacher. Alyssa's 2 best friends are also going to the same Kindergarten so she is VERY excited! She has made it very clear that Evan is NOT allowed to sit beside her and her friends. Wow, the attitudes start so young.
Evan is doing amazing - he is learning so much English and is speaking quite well. He has also been teaching all of us many, many chinese words. I love hearing all the kids talking to him in Chinese. I try but I really suck at it (and he doesn't mind telling me so either!).

Life is starting to settle down and I feel like we are getting our groove back. Our biggest issue is still the jealousy with Alyssa. The other day she says to me, "Why did you want to get him anyway?!" And then other days, she will tell Evan all about how we waited for him and looked at his picture everyday and how happy we were to go to China. I guess being 4 (and being female!) gives you the right to change your mind according to the day.

I am blown away by what a wonderful little boy Evan is. He has a really awesome sense of humor, not like a silly boy sense of humor, but a mature, really funny sense of humor. He is sweet, endearing, has excellent manners, loves to play with the kids - just all around wonderful! He is still very needy in that he constantly calls to me and wants my attention all the time but other than that, there are absolutely no complaints at all!

My parents came to visit over the weekend and all our kids love, love, love to see Grampie and Grammie! They don't live in PEI so we don't get to see them as often as we would like so it's always a special treat when they come. It was a nice treat for me, too because they cooked us some meals, took us out for supper, watched the kids while Chris and I went on a dinner date and helped with some house chores.

Chris and I are working on something special and we hope to have it ready to present to the "world" in the next few weeks. It should be really good and we are excited about it...more to come on that!

Grampie and Grammie with the "gang"!

1 comment:

sandi said...

glad to see everyone is doing so well!!!

We should talk soon!