Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ups and downs and all the in betweens

This has been a very trying week for me (and since they're stuck with me, probably for the kids as well). Evan continues to do so amazing but I'm finding myself irritable, tired and worn out. Although Evan continues to do well, it is still 24/7 handling the communication issues, the constant demands, the whining, the grieving, etc... Caleb, Dylan and Alyssa are also trying to deal with this new addition and they are feeling left out, ignored (even though I'm trying hard not to let this happen!) and overwhelmed by all that has happened in the last 3 weeks.

We've been trying to do fun activities each day but all we end up with are arguments, complaining and a frustrated group of kids and a mom! The older boys don't want to do anything the young ones want to do and the young ones are the same. We live in beautiful PEI, surrounded by amazing beaches, yet none of my children like the beach :-(

The playgrounds are too "babyish", the skateboard park is too grown up, the pools are too deep for Alyssa and Evan, the water parks and amusement parks are too expensive, blah blah blah -you get the drift.

Anyhoo...I know in my head this is all part of adjusting and transitioning...but, it's still hard to actually live through it, I guess.

Some people kind of look at me like (and a few have even said!!), "well, you're the one who wanted to adopt another child" as if every moment of my life should now be pure bliss! Oh sure, everyone who chooses to have a biological child has never had days of frustration, exhaustion and lonliness???? Just because I'm feeling this way doesn't mean I regret for a moment our choice to adopt. I'm just a busy mother going through a major transition...I'm sure it will get better.

On a postive note, I took Evan to the speech therapist and she is extremely optimistic! She said he had lots of great sounds already and is so quick to learn. He is able to blow bubbles, blow a whistle, and is getting better at sucking through a straw. These are all big accomplishments for a cleft affected child.

Enjoy some photos...there are good times to be had even during the ups and downs!

Mom & Evan - he really is the sweeting thing!

In honor of Evan's obsession with Ultraman, his cousins did Ultraman poses for him!

Beautiful smile!

The boys, with their friends, playing a little game of "chicken" (my friend Kate's house - that's her in the background)

Can anyone guess what's going to happen???

Oops...too much momentum and out the pool they went!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Tammy, you are amazing!!! Praying for you ...

Peggy Jo

Susan Morse said...

Hey Tammy,
You are very right about those rough days happening no matter what your situation is. It sounds like you have a tremendous task to help everyone adjust, but that you are taking it in stride. If there's anyone who can do it, you and Chris (and your awesome kids) definitely can! Let me know if there's any way I can help, like hanging out with a couple of your kids while you do something with the others, or while you do something for yourself.

Unknown said...

Please keep these wonder honest posts coming!!
They make me feel normal!!
Some days it is so hard, so tiring and I still have the 4th to add!!
I wish we lived closer together, the boys would be great friends!

Anonymous said...

I sent you a private e-mail. :) You are doing a great job!

Take care,

Monica said...

Hi Tammy,

I've been following your blog silently for a few weeks and felt I should finally leave a comment. My husband and I have one daughter from China and have recently switched to the WC program for our second child. We travelled to China with two of the PEI families you meet up with occasionally - their cuties (K and R) were pictured with Evan recently.

Thanks for being an inspiration during this exciting time for us. I so appreciate your honest blogging. As much as we all want and love our kids, it is HARD work and it's okay to acknowledge that. Keep up the great parenting!


Anonymous said...

Please check out:

Your new son is very likely having some attachment issues, and perhaps sending him away from you to bible school each day might not be such a good thing for his attachment.

I know from where I speak. Please be proactive and learn about attachment & trauma, most adoption agencies & SWs do little to educate adoptive parents.

Love does NOT conquer all in cases of attachment.

Anonymous said...

You have a good looking family!