Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tears and heartbreak

We are still here and doing well. Jetlag is getting easier and easier for Chris and I (Evan and Caleb didn't seem to have any at all!!). I mostly feel cranky and tired in the mornings but by afternoon I'm feeling lots better.

My parents left this morning after staying and helping for the last few days. They were so great to help with the laundry, meals, the kids and just being here. Chris also started back to work today so it's just me and my little "gang". So far, so good....

Last night Evan finally began his grieving. We were thinking is was just too wierd for him to be so happy and not show any signs of missing his old life or his "mama". After I put him to bed last night, Dylan called me to say Evan was crying. I went in his room and Evan was sobbing and pointing to the picture of him and his foster mother saying "MaMa", "MaMa". It was absolutely heartbreaking. I can't imagine what that must feel like for him - to want his mama so much but can't see her or talk to her. I just held him and rocked him for awhile and then got him out of bed and we played with Alyssa and read stories. I finally got him settled and asleep around 10:30. I know he has to go through this but it is really difficult. Luckily, we do have some contact info for his foster mother and we are going to contact her very soon. I know she must be missing her sweet Jun Jun as well!

Adoption is such a complex experience - so much joy and so much sadness, all mixed together.


Shawn and Megan Mitchell said...

Your post made me cry! God bless his little heart. We are praying.

Monique said...

Ah, poor Evan, he must be missing his foster mum dearly. I can only imagine what he must be feeling. But knowing he has such a loving family, I know he'll be okay and will get through this. Hope you can get some rest!

geminirn said...

AWWWW!!!God bless this little guy,his little heart must be breaking,however he now has a truly loving FOREVER family.

Hugs from across the waters.

Danielle said...

Awwww Tammy!!! That makes me so sad for poor Evan. I know that its so important (and natural) for him to go through it though. You are such a good Mom for being so patient and understanding.



Anonymous said...

Poor wee guy. Thank goodness you were there to comfort him and he felt safe to grieve so hard.

You all are in my prayers.


Jill, Trevor, Kohl, Aliah said...

That just breaks my heart. Just love him like you're doing. Hold him. That's all you can do!!