Monday, July 28, 2008

Where to begin...

I've debating what to write for several days. There are so many different things I could focus on.
I think todayI will just focus on the update from our trip to Halifax and the IWK.

Evan was a trooper...we only had 2 major meltdowns, which considering we saw 6 specialists who all wanted something from him, not too bad. The surgeon said his lip repair was excellent so they won't need to redo that anytime soon. (I'm glad as I'm very partial to the way he looks now - I don't want it changed). Evan's hearing is also excellent - he was amazing on the hearing test.

What we do know:

Evan will be heading back in 2 months for a surgery to repair the hole in his palate and to have some work done on the soft palate (at the back of his throat).

Evan will be heading back for dental surgery as several teeth need to be pulled.

Evan will need a bone graft surgery to repair his gum and hard palate (near the front of his mouth). We're not sure when this will take place yet.

We need to go back every 6 months for now to monitor all his "needs" and to see how his surgeries are healing. So, pretty much what we were expecting. Evan also will continue with his speech therapy but both the speech therapist here in PEI and the one at the Children's Hospital said he had excellent sounds and they hear a lot of potential so we were very excited with this news!
At the end of all our appointments, we walked out into the hallway to see my parents. Evan took off running and jumped into Grampie's arms for a big hug. My parents live in NS so we don't get to see them as much as we would like. They were here for a few days when we came back from China but we haven't seen them since. It was fun to see how Evan reacted to seeing them.

Part 1 of the Hearing Test

Getting measured and weighed as we waited for the surgeon. He is 32 pounds.

Getting those teeth checked out...what a cool dude in those sunglasses!

Hanging out with mom while we wait

Heading back home


The Carmodys said...

Glad to hear everything went so well. What a great reaction your dad got from Evan . . . what a way to thrill a grandfather!


Danielle said...

Glad to hear that things are going well Tammy! I had to laugh though - Evan only weighs 2 pounds more than Zia!!!! LOL!