Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yes, I'm back! I mean this in so many ways...first of all, I finally feel 100% like myself again. We are fully over jetlag and feel great. I also feel like myself again after months of being in adoption limbo. I do not want to make anyone feel bad who is still waiting but I do want to say what a relief it is to be anxiety free! I can't believe how different I feel emotionally and even physically now that I don't have to worry about all the "when's", "ifs", "whys" anymore.

Evan continues to amaze us. He is an absolutely fantastic little boy. I really mean that - he is funny, happy, sweet, smart, and so much more. Chris and I really couldn't have imagined how perfect he would be for our family. Even though he is 5, he is still tiny and wants (needs!) to be hugged and cuddled. He plays amazingly well with our children and on his own. He sleeps fantastic (11 hours each night) and is beginning to eat our Canadian food (still prefers his noodles, though!). We are just so thrilled with him!

Evan is still missing his "mama" so much. He continues to cry for her at bedtime but it's not a full-out sobbing like it was in the beginning. He gets sad and touches her picture and says, "Mama, Mama". Last night he pointed to himself and said "Evan" and then touched the picture of his foster mother and said "Wa Eye Knee Mama" (I love you Mama). It was a little jab to my heart BUT I know it's okay and normal for him to be feeling this way. And in the end, it is me he comes to for comfort and love so he is bonding and attaching to me as well.

THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers, advice and support on the phone call issue. We are definitely going to call his foster mother, although I may talk to her the first time (with a translator of course). I'm just going to go with my instincts when I'm talking with her. You are a very great group of friends and encouragers!!!!

Can you believe we haven't had ONE meltdown since we came to Canada? I've even taken the kids (all of them) to Walmart, Superstore, etc... by myself and haven't had any incidents. Evan is doing so well...he has definitely caught on to the "no" and knowing we mean it when we say it. I guess patience and consistency does work -even though it is way too hard to do in the heat of the moment! :-)

I seriously cannot say enough about how wonderful Evan is doing, how our kids are doing (they adore him!!!) and how our whole family is adjusting. Thank you for your prayers!!!

I am ALWAYS willing to talk/email with people who are interested in adoption so please don't hesitate to email me!! And now I actually have some experience with Waiting Children, older children adoption and out of birth order adoption and I can honestly say "it's all good!" (The Office in case you didnt' know!)



Danielle said...

So happy for you that Evan is settling in well as a member of your family and that things are becoming more normal!! Once the jet lag is over and the initial transition is over, you can finally focus on just falling in love more and more every day. That's the awesome part!

Let me know when you have some idea about your trip and hopefully we can get together when you are in town!


Unknown said...

So fantastic!! It's is so nice to hear how well he is adjusting!
It gives me hope!

Monique said...

So glad to hear Evan is doing so well and that you're caught up from the Jet lag. Now that you have seen both aspects of adoption which do you prefer? I can only hope and pray that God helps me with my adoption, God knows I need it. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and even if we have never met I feel like I have known you and your family forever.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the post jet lag euphoria. If only it could be bottled. :)

I'm so happy to hear how well things are going.

Thanks for the update!
Shelley in BC