Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm still here...

I'm still here and things are going fairly well....I will post more later but I didn't want you to think I had abandoned my blog! Evan is still missing his mama every day (at nighttime) but is doing well during the day.

We went camping over the weekend so I didn't get a chance to blog. The weather is amazing here so we are trying to enjoy it as much as we can before it goes away for another 10 months! :-)

More to come....


Unknown said...

Glad to see everything is going alright. I can only imagine what the little guy is thinking! Have you decided to let him call? Maybe Wendy could be present and skype or webcam her so everyone is involved.
Give me a shout if you need to chat!

Monique said...

I will keep Evan in my prayers that he is able to learn to love his new mama and stop missing his old one. I know it's got to be really hard for him as it's all he's known for so long. Keep up the great work with him and he'll come around.

Kimberly Fullton said...

I've been lurking around your blog since you left for China and my good friend Michelle told me about you. We go to the same church in Connecticut, and she knew I would love your story because we are waiting to adopt our first children from Brazil. Your photos and words and experiences are encouraging and help me to know that someday we will experience the joy we see in each of your photographs. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!