Monday, October 12, 2009

The truth of the matter...

Over the years I've heard lots of practiced, experienced parents tell me "it will get easier". You know, when you're exhausted from night feedings, running after toddlers all day, dealing with temper tantrums, lack of adult interactions, etc....etc...etc....

Parents always told me "Don't worry, it gets easier". Well, here I am 5 children later and I'm seriously not finding it any easier. No, I don't have to change diapers all day, no I don't have to get up in the middle of the night (except for the odd nightmare), no I don't have to watch my children with an eagle eye every second of the day so they don't hurt themselves, BUT I am still not feeling like my life is easier.

Now I am talking to my children about drugs because their friends got "busted" at Jr. High. I'm talking to my children about love and caring for another person and how to treat the opposite gender with respect and gentleness. I'm answering questions about first kisses and talking the "sex talk" with my kids. I'm dealing with different learning levels - where one child excels academically and one doesn't. I'm dealing with a child's emotional turmoil and trying to develop trust and safety. I'm trying to teach my children about diversity and accepting & embracing the differences all around us. Dealing with my own anger when people are hurtful and ignorant about our differences. Trying to build self esteem, value and worth in each and every one of my children. I'm trying to give each child my individual time; special moments that only we share. Teaching my kids what happiness and love really means. Teaching there is MORE to life than materialism and "stuff". Teaching compassion and gentleness. All the while I am in the midst of breaking up fights, homework overload, wiping tears, kissing hurts (and wishing I could simply kiss away those emotional hurts), packing lunches, peeling 8 pounds of pototoes (for one meal!), hockey practices, hockey tryouts, dance lessons, speech therapy sessions, hospital visits, getting 2 boys fitted for braces, working, reading stories, taking calls from teachers at school, finding ways to handle some behavioral issues, and once again.....after all these years, I'm still falling into bed exhausted.

It has not gotten easier.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I can definetly relate to almost all of those. I have friends tell me that they are scared of the pain of giving birth. That is the easy part for sure. I'm glad you are being open about all of that. Makes the rest of us understand that we are not the only ones that are so tired all of the time. Hang in there, your kids have a great mom and they will be so thankful of that in the future. X & O's from Digby,NS, Deanna

Learning Together at Home said...

And that's the truth if I ever heard it! And yet we do it again. Parenting is absolutely so much more than I ever dreamed - it's enough to make one weepy (happy, exhausted all at once). I'll be lifting you up as soon as I hit publish.
Your e-friend from BC,

Anonymous said...

that just means you are a great mom that cares about how she is raising her kids!

Anonymous said...

I wish all mom's cared about their kids the way you do yours. They are truley blessed to have you guys as parents.