Saturday, October 17, 2009

And that's That!

Visit with little one was really, really great. Exactly as I remembered little one to be...full of joy, smiles, laughter and still LOVES to chatter and talk. Why is my life always filled with children who LOVE to talk, incessently, all the time???? (Okay, I love to talk too!)

I'm going to call little one "N" in this's easier than writing "little one".

N seemed very happy. This is good....I want N to be happy. I think there was part of me hoping N wasn't happy so I could wisk N away and make N happy. N told me, "I love my life". Is it possible for a heart to break while it is also filled with relief and happiness? I truly, truly want N to be happy. I am sad because N can be happy without us. But that's okay.

It seems there will be no movement on the adoption side of things for at least another year or more. Each day that passes, N becomes more settled in life, more attached to the family N lives with. And that's the way it should be.

What do I feel?

If I'm brutally honest, I feel disappointed...disappointed that the courts have and still continue to take so long with this case. I'm disappointed that as each month passes, our family's chance at this particular adoption gets smaller and smaller.

Again, being brutally honest, I feel sad. Sad that N is able to be so happy and live so wonderfully without us. I KNOW N misses us very much. N told me that and N's social worker told me that.
N talked a lot about our family, the memories, missing the house, the bedroom, the bed, the trips we took, the funny things that happened. N talked about the kids and if they remembered N...N seemed wistful when talking about life at the MacKinnon house. I think N would be very happy to come back to us and I think N would be very happy to stay in the new home.

I feel relieved to have finally gotten some answers! I was able to meet with N's social worker who was a wonderful, lovely lady. I could tell right away how much she cared about N and that she was advocating for N's life. The social worker was honest with me, answered all my questions, and although some of those answers were hard to hear, I needed to know. I needed to know after 12 months of wondering, hoping, praying, crying, being torn inside....

The visit was awesome. N was awesome. We are now able to have open communication with each other...we can send letters, make phone calls, send care packages and we have an open invitiation to visit N whenever we like. And although that isn't what I had been hoping for, praying for, it is what I will settle for. I have been given the opportunity to still share in N's life...this is very good.

So, I will go back home to my 5 beautiful children who need me, who I can be "mom" to. Back to my husband and back to my life. We will send letters and fun things to our little one, we will talk on the phone and if by some miracle, little one is meant to be ours, she will come home to us - all in good time.

And that's that.


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hi Tammy,
Glad to hear the N is doing well. I understand that you are feeling torn. It's wonderful that you have open communication with her now and can keep in touch.

Looking forward to seeing you this week.

learningtogether said...

Hi Tammy,

I'm so thankful thatg in so many respects you got answers. I hear the hurt, but I can also hear the relief. For that I am thankful. I'm so thankful, too, for the connections that are able to be strengenthed, if even from a distance.
