Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Homestudy is COMPLETE!

WOW! I'm so excited to report our homestudy is now complete. We started our first meeting on August 22 and last night (Sept 17) we finished it. Our SW is going to write it up ASAP and she has told us Provincial Approval takes about 2 weeks. We requested a girl between the ages of 2.5 - 3.5 at time of referral! The next step (after Provincial Approval) is to have our file sent to our Agency - Kids Link and have all our documents translated and prepared for Ethiopia. When this is done, the file will come back to the Province (not sure why? So the Provincial Adoption Coordinator can review its translation????) and then it will be sent to Ethiopia to be matched with our child!

So, the scary part is we need to have $12,500 ready to send with our file when it goes to Ethiopia. Without these little "faith testers" life just wouldn't be any fun now would it?! We are praying God will help us be diligent in saving any extra money we have and will make our little fundraisers very successful! Unfortunately, all I can think about is the excitement of being ONE STEP CLOSER to our daughter!

We are hosting a Yard Sale to help with some of the costs. Included in our adoption fees is a $6000 donation to the orphange where our daughter is currently living. 100% of this donation will go to help our daughter and all the other children and provide necessities to care for them on a daily basis. This is the money we are hoping to raise through our Yard Sale and other small fundraisers.

When: Saturday, September 22nd, 2007
(Raindate September 29th)
Where: Calvary Temple Parking Lot (Ch’town)
Time: 8:00am – 1:00pm

A great selection of furniture, bedding, boys & girls clothing (in great condition!), adult clothing, DVDs, games, lots of toys, books and many household items!!!

Enjoy lemonade, cookies and other great treats
at Caleb, Dylan and Alyssa’s “Lemonade for Hope” stand!


Pease join us in sharing our love!


Unknown said...

Congrats on your homestudy being completed!! That's great! And if I lived near you I would definitely be going to your garage sale...they are my favourite!! :):)

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Darn, we can't make it on Saturday...but we're looking forward to see y'all on Sunday. It's getting very exciting...I cannot wait to see a picture of your little darling!!