Monday, September 10, 2007

Chinese School...

Alyssa started Chinese school yesterday. It is going to be held every Saturday morning from 9-11:30. She was a bit shy yesterday as she's not used to being around so many people but by the end of the school time she was practicing writing chinese characters with her brothers and meeting some other children. There are about 30-40 children from China participating in the school so we are really glad to have Alyssa exposed to more of her culture and a chance to learn mandarin!! I didn't get any pictures, though...

On the adoption front...our SW had to cancel our homestudy meeting this week but she has still assured us she will have the homestudy written and handed in to the Province by the end of September. Unfortunately we are still waiting for Chris' fingerprints to come back from Ottawa. Mine were returned in two weeks but we've been waiting more than 2 months for Chris'. We can still send our dossier to Kids Link so they can start working on our file but we can't send our dossier to Ethiopia without the fingerprints.

More later....

The three kiddies...

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