Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Flood waters

I'm late getting this post up but I wanted to show pictures of the flood we had in our subdivison during the "hurricane"/storm we had. It did rain tons and as we drove around our subdivision we realized all the ditches were overflowing with muddy water. We didn't think too much of it so we waited hours before we went around again - and when we did - we realized one of the roads was flooded and all our community kids were swimming in it! Yes, we let our kids swim in it too because, really, it was so neat and it will probably never happen again.

Dad and Mom - don't panic! - we made them shower and scrub very well when they came home...I'm thinking sewer, dog poop, cat pee, mosquitos, birds, germs, germs, germs...no one got sick so it's all good!

Here are some pics...


We had walked down this street just 1/2 hour before I took this picture and the water was completely covering this road and was up mid calf. It didn't take long for it all to disappear once the highway crew opened up a big hole under the highway to let the water through.

Dylan and his friend Canaan taking a dip

There were so many kids swimming...it was quite funny. Kids were riding their bikes through the water, doing flips in it and just being crazy.


This is known as "The Creek" and the kids go down to this bridge on their bikes or for walks. There is a small stream way below the bridge.

This is the same spot...the kids couldn't even get down the pathway the water was so deep - we couldn't find or get to the bridge at all! It was amazing!

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