Saturday, September 13, 2008

A beautiful thing...

On Wednesday, my friend, Peggy hosted an amazing shower for Evan. My closest friends were there and many brought their children as we celebrated Evan's arrival to Canada and into his new family (and big circle of friends!). It was a fun night...I can't even explain in words how excited Evan was to have a "party" that was just for him and he couldn't believe all the gifts were just for him. He kept asking "for me? for me?" It was so fun to watch him open his presents and to see the absolute joy on his face as he saw each one!

Here is an excerpt from the thank you we sent everyone - it tells a little of his excitement and happiness - even into the next day!

I can assure each and every one of you that Evan absolutely cherishes EACH gift like it is his favorite. It took me awhile to settle him down for bed last night as he wanted to touch everything, open everything, play with everything. Of course, there was NO way I could get him to bed without brushing his teeth with his new Cars toothbrush and toothpaste (which he wasn’t ready to share with Alyssa yet) and then of course, being wrapped up in his new, cozy Spiderman blanket. Honestly, he was in heaven!

He woke me up at 7:00, bleary eyed, wanting me to put together that snake race track (thanks Peggy! Ha ha). So, off we went with Dylan and Alyssa (Caleb was still fast asleep – lucky him!) to put together the race track. Last night I set all his gifts out on the kitchen table so as I was trying to figure out the race track, Evan kept running into the kitchen exclaiming over his new things (with the same excitement he demonstrated last night!). Dylan, Alyssa and I were getting a big kick out of him! We did finally get the race track together and it’s very cool! As soon as that was completed, Evan wanted to watch his new Spiderman movie so he grabbed his new Spiderman Chair, snuggled in with his new Spiderman blanket, holding onto the Spiderman movie case and sat back for some movie time. He is hilarious! He was even generous enough to allow Alyssa into the living room to watch it with him!

He has touched, oohhed and aahhed, played with and sampled every single gift he received last night. He is beyond excited to have his own toys. This is the exciting, fun part of adopting a child who is a bit older – experiencing those “firsts” with them and being part of the pure joy they feel!!!

So, a very heartfelt THANK YOU to you Peggy, and to all my friends who came and welcomed Evan in this way!!!!!


The Carmodys said...

How awesome is that? I can sense a little bit of his excitement by looking at those pictures. What a great welcome home party!


Susan Morse said...

Tammy, it's so nice that you have another little boy who loves Spiderman! I still remember finding Caleb outside perched on the hood of my car in a Spiderman pose once day when I was babysitting (that was a while ago)! Of course I near went crazy trying to find him before I realized he was outside! It was nice to see you at church.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Just found your blog! I have enjoyed reading about your son's transition, as we are returning to China for a little girl that will be 6 in January! Any advice would be appreciated - what to take, be prepared for, suggestions! ANYTHING! We have 3 daughters (14, 11, 3 - she is from China) that will be going with us!!!! Lucy