Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Story of Mii

Our children received a Wii for Christmas this year. Evan was thrilled! He's been asking for one since he came to Canada so getting one was HUGE for him (and the other kids love it, too!)

He made a Mii the other day and he said "Mommy, I made one of you!" So, I came in and looked and the Mii was Chinese. I told him it was great and that I really liked it. Later that night I said to Evan "I love the Mii you made of me...I see that you made me Chinese." Evan says to me..."I wanted to! I wanted you to be beautiful!" just never know what they are thinking or how they are processing....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hey Tammy!

Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

How interesting that Evan chose to make you Chinese! I think we all strive to teach our children that people from their birth culture are beautiful (or I know I do!) and it sounds like Evan has a pretty good grasp on that already! LOL!

Take care,
