Monday, February 11, 2008

Thank You!

First, we would like say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your many heartfelt and supportive emails and comments left on the blog! It is so exciting to be able to share this joy with all of you!

I still find it hard to believe we are actually adopting another child! I feel like I've been waiting so long and didn't really believe we would ever be at this point...with a picture of our new child and waiting to travel. God is so good!

We talked with our agency yesterday and unfortunately they weren't able to get an update for us about Evan. They were supposed to visit him personally while they were in China but due to the weatherstorms they were not able to get to his province, Guangxi. They have told us, though, that we will get an update via email THIS MONTH including some information on his speech issues and some general information on how he is doing. And, more pictures! I can't wait to see them!

Chris and I going in to sign our letter of acceptance for Evan's referral this week and then all our paperwork will be sent to China. Then, we wait....

We need to wait for China to review our dossier and approve us and then CCAA will send us a Letter Seeking Confirmation which we sign saying "YES, we do confirm we want to adopt this child!" Waiting for this letter has been what's taking so long for families to travel. It can take up to 5 months to get from China. Eeek!

Once we recieve our Letter Seeking Confirmation, sign it and send it back, we wait for China to send us an Invitation to Travel. As soon as we receive our invitation we can go to China! Kind of like knowing your child's visa has arrived in the Ethiopian adoption process!

Our agency is confident it won't take the 5 months and are still hoping we can travel by June.

Our family went to the Chinese New Year Celebration yesterday and we had a lot of fun. It was a very busy spot with over 500 people there! The food was awesome and we enjoyed some Chinese entertainment and were able to mingle with lots of other families with children from China as well as some friends from the Chinese community!
Year of the Mouse

1 comment:

Deb said...

I just showed Shane a pic of Evan, he wanted me to tell you congrats as well.
I just love the picture of him in the beige sweater, he looks so sweet and soft! I just want to hug him.
Hope everything happens faster than you predict.
Sounds like lots of fun was had at the CNY celebrations. Wendy and the family had a great time.
Have a great snow day!