Thursday, February 21, 2008

Busy and tired!

Well, it's been a very crazy busy couple of weeks! We've had a 5 year old foster girl living with us and she's really terrific. She's also very, very busy and FULL of questions. Between her and Alyssa there seriously is not one quiet moment in the house. Then the 2 boys get home at 3:00 and it's even more loud, more chaotic, more arguing, more rowidness, more of everything!!!

I am supposed to fill in at a school - as the secretary - for the next 3 weeks. It's full time hours -8:00-4:00 every day and I'm really beginning to wonder how I can manage it. My husband leaves for work at about 6:45 am so he's never here in the morning to help with the crew. Hmmm...I'm a tad stressed about it...

Is this what our life will be like in a few months when our little Evan comes home? Or is the chaos, drama, and non-stop talking a "girl" thing? Alyssa and the little foster girl get along really great sometimes and other times it's pull-my-hair out bickering between the two of them. They are either running around the house holding hands yelling "sister, sister, come on sister" or they are constantly running up to me yelling, "sister did this to me, sister won't let me play with the barbies, sister isn't being nice" and on, and on, and on...
(Both girls find it hard to say the other girl's name so they both call each other "sister")

Then throw 2 "older" boys into that mix and they are constanly telling the girls to be quiet, to get out the way, to stop bossing them around...I swear, some days I want to leave and never come back! :-)

Now I'm starting to panic - is this what my life will be like for the next 10 years or so or will we get adjusted into a routine and have some sanity???????

And no, I'm not regretting adopting a 4th child, I'm just getting a reality check and it's a tad scary!

1 comment:

Is Eight Enough? said...


It will even out! *smile* There are times I wonder how I do it. This is the moment when noone is where they are supposed to be and getting in each others faces. Then there are the times, (majority) when it is absolute bliss. This is when I have order. For example, a regular wonderful morning goes like this: one in the office doing highschool, one in the dining room doing highschool, one at the computer doing his school, one on the couch with me doing his school, and two little ones upstairs playing.

Or school is out and they are outside playing and the sun is shining and you just feel good.

Organization is so important. Schedules are critical (to some degree cause I am schedule resistant!) to knowing where we are 'heading'. Even if we don't actually get there, we are heading in the general direction. This makes everyone easier cause they know what to expect.

Chaos in my house comes when there is no routine and they are left to shuffle through life. Think how much more productive you are when you write yourself a list, instead of just moseying from one thing to the next. Kids are the same.

Also, it will take time for the bodies in your house to adjust to having a new body join them. I am fully expecting 6-12 months of unrest and upheaval when our children come home. In some ways the children will be thrilled but in other ways they will be stretched because these 'guests' don't go home, and they have to share their toys and their room and their mum and dad.

It will iron out when the children are "yours" versus guests. You will be fine!!!! *smile*