Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Travel Clinic Visit

I visited with the nurse at the Travel Clinic to find out what immunizations Chris and I would need to travel to Ethiopia or Dominican. I also wanted to see what the kids would need if we decided to take them with us! Hmmm...I'm definitely second guessing taking the kids now....


Tammy - 3rd shot of Twinrix - $70 (I had the first 2 before I went to China)
Chris - 2nd dose of Havrix - $75 (He has his first before China)

Yellow Fever - $100/each
Typhoid - $50/each
TdPolio - $25/each - just Tammy, Chris already has it

Lariam medication for malaria - $25/ea

Total $520

Yellow Fever - $100 each
Meningococcal - $135/each - definitely the children would need this one and it was optional for Chris and I
Rabies - recommended for the kids, especially Alyssa as she is so young - it takes 3 needles and each needle is $165
Hep A - all 3 kids would need this shot at $80 each

Total: $2430 - so that alone is enough for us to say "I don't think the kids will be coming"! I will have to talk with some other families who took their children and find out what they recommend for vaccinations.

Dominican Republic

Twinrix - Tammy
Havrix - Chris

Optional: Lariam - malaria medication

Hep A - all 3 kids

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