Thursday, August 2, 2007

Starting the process...

I am so thrilled to be in the adoption process again! Our family adopted our daughter, Alyssa, 2.5 years ago from Hunan, China. It was an amazing journey, an emotional & overwhelming experience, and an event that changed our whole family!

Due to the changes by the Chinese gov't in regards to adopting from China, we are no longer eligible to go that route. One of the new requirements to adopt from China is each family must have a net worth of much more money than we have. But, that's okay! We are really excited about our new child and learning about a new country. Our hearts will always be in China and we will continue to support as many children there as we can. Our hearts will also be filled with this new country - it's culture, it's people and most importantly, our child.

Chris and I decided to adopt again after returning home from a trip to Dominican Republic. We experienced many feelings and emotions while visiting the children there and we felt God was leading us to another child. Right now we are waiting to hear if we are able to adopt a child from Dominican - we should know in September. If not, we will be adopting from Ethiopia.

We have all our dossier documents ready and waiting. Unforntunately, all the social workers in PEI were booked until the end of August so we are waiting until August 20th to have our homestudy updated. We are hoping to have our dossier and homestudy ready for provincial approval by the beginning of September.

This is too exciting!!!


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