Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can we really just sit by????

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question." ~ Anonymous

"We are the first generation that can look extreme and stupid poverty in the eye, look across to Africa and elsewhere, and say this and mean it: we have the cash, we have the drugs and we have the science - but do we have the will? Do we have the will to make poverty history? Some say we can't afford to. I say we can't afford not to." - Bono

"Because where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
~ Matthew 6:21 ~


Nicole Bellefleur said...

Tammy,I have a similar post coming together in my mind and heart. As you know, I work in the luxury segment. More and more, I'm finding that my professional life is at odds with my personal life, as I learn more about the injustices of poverty, and wait for my little one to come home. Don't get me wrong - I love my company and appreciate all that its done for me (professionally and personally)... I just sometimes find it hard to be passionate about luxury during the day, when I'm reading Stephen Lewis books at night.

Sharla said...

powerful photos...sadly at one, I had to turn away...

Deb said...

It's so easy for people to turn a blind eye.....it breaks my heart.

Thanks for visiting my blog Tammy. Feels like forever since I seen you.

Take care