Thursday, June 11, 2009

There is nothing positive to write...we received the dreaded news this week about the little one we are hoping to adopt. The court date for the child was not successful which means crown wardship (permanent custody) was not granted. At this point, we are not sure why...we don't know if custody was given back to the mother or if another court date was set to fight it out in court. I don't think I ever let myself really think about the court date failing...needless to say, it was a punch in the gut when I was told. I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up but you know what...I'm still naive and believe in the "good". I just assumed in my belief that this situation would turn out "good". It didn't. I don't know what is happening now...I don't know if our chances are over or if it just means another 6-12 months of waiting. If that's what it means, can we do that? And then at the end of that waiting be devestated again? I just don't know...

It's been a difficult week. There are some other issues we are living with, dealing with and trying to sort through with our oldest, oldest son. He is back living with us. That is a HUGE change for us...we are struggling with being supportive for him and trying to hold the rest of the family together.

Well...when it rains it pours. I'm dying for a little sunshine.


Unknown said...

ohh, what a punch in the gut!!
Lets hope some sunshine comes your way, especially that last week/first week of July!!!!!
fingers crossed!

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Oh Tammy! I'm so sorry. I've said a quick prayer for you all.
Yes, God does allow the rain. It makes us stronger. But then the sun shines again. Take care until that day comes.

Sharla said...

I am so, so sorry. When we went the route of foster-to-adopt, we lost our first daughter...we got her at 3 days old and at 19 months in a completely shocking decision, the judge returned her to her birth parents. She is now in another province in her tenth or eleventh foster's hard to find answers when asking God "why" to something like this. With two of our other adoptions, there were several failed court dates and appeals etc. and it was so emotionally tiring and difficult but of course, so worth it. It was better for us as adults to put our hearts on the line and take on the burden than it would have been to put any of the burden on the kids by moving them or emotionally detaching ourselves. I know that now is a dark time though with very few answers. Wish I had some better words of wisdom. Philippians 4: 6and 7 was a help to me during our waiting for court days.

Kimberly Fullton said...

you are not alone. i had a bit of a gut punch today too. God wants his children in families hearing about Him every day... and nothing is too difficult for Him. Hugs to you. Kim

Kelly said...

I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you guys. Is there any way of appleaing this decision? I hope that your oldest son works out his issues and that things can get back to normal soon. I'm think of you.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know how much you have invested in this situation as you put your whole heart and soul into these children.

I hope things improve at home. We need a get-together very soon. I'll get right on it!!

living4him5 said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news on the adoption front and home front. Lifting in you all in prayer...The sun will come out!!
