Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vacation and First Days of School

Chris and I took the kids camping for a week here in PEI. It was nice to get a break but WOW a lot of work! Thanks to Dean and Stacy (Chris' brother) for letting us use their trailer - it was a great spot! We were able to visist Avonlea Village which our kids love! This is their favorite place to go in the summer. It is a little village that is set up to look like a town from Anne of Green Gables. There are actors who act our scenes from the book and lots of fun activities for the kids to see and do. There is a house where people can dress up and take their own pictures...our kids got a great kick out of that. As you can see, we have 2 "Annes" and 2 "Gilberts".

The kids enjoyed the camping...the weather wasn't too bad, we had a few nice days and a few rainy ones. I think I was just anxious to get back home and get everything ready for "back to school" - seriously, I know it's terrible but I was counting down the days, hours and minutes. Let me just say it's been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG summer!

Our very own Annes and Gilberts

Caleb - grade 7 (Oh, I so want to cut his hair!!! He wants to have long hair for Jr. High!!)

Dylan - Grade 5
Evan and Alyssa - Kindergarten


Anonymous said...

Caleb is get as Anne, I laughed out loud. I loved the video...

Mari Lynn

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Love, love, love the family picture, Tammy! You have such a beautiful family.

There's certainly something to be said for the 'September Routine', especially when you have 4 kids, I would think!!!! I know I feel it with only one.

May all the kids have a successful year at school!


Deanna said...

The pictures are great, you have a beautiful family!
I hope your fall is a little less hectic then your summer was.


geminirn said...

Love the family picture..beautiful!! Nice to see your little guy look so content and happy.