Friday, October 5, 2007

Silly kids!

I don't have too much news on the adoption front today so I thought I'd put a few cute pictures of our silly kids!
The boys - Caleb and Dylan
The little lady - Alyssa

I am still waiting to hear back from the Province in regards to 1) Our provincial approval and 2) confirmation that the Province supports Ethiopian adoptions.
Another piece of great news - Chris' fingerprints came back from the RCMP in Ottawa. We've been waiting 3 months for these to come!!! Our file cannot be sent to Ethiopia without it so we are so glad it came!
The only piece of paperwork left is a copy of Chris' passport. Unfortunately he lost his passport the week before we started our adoption process - go figure! He is going to Halifax next Friday to get his new one and then we can send that off. After that, all the paperwork is out of our hands and sent to the agency. YaHoo!!

1 comment:

Shari McKeown said...

Hi Tammy,

We were surprised to hear of the discrepancy between the return of your fingerprint results (1 month) and your husband's (3 months). Makes you wonder how the processing system works - it certainly doesn't seem to be very efficient or have any rational order to it. Thanks for the advice about sending the rest of our dossier to Kidslink so they can get started on it - we'll do that!