Saturday, November 21, 2009

We're All In This Together

The last few months have been challenging for me personally. I am longing to live a life that is radical....I find it so hard to do here. Our society just doesn't get "it". By "it" I mean the heartache and hurt of people all around us - heartache and hurt that we have the capacity to CHANGE, to make a DIFFERENCE. People here seem so complacent, content to live in their own bubble. Our society only wants to hear about something if it can benefit them; what's the best car to drive, the newest sound system, the latest technology, the biggest house, the coolest renovations, the hottest name brand....

I cannot get my head around this mindset of greediness and selfishness. Sometimes I want to be like that. Sometimes I find myself thinking "if only I had this, if only I had that"....and I have to give my head a shake!

The 5 children in our home represent 3 different countries. 3 of my children came to me broken, grieving and suffering more loss than anyone should in a lifetime. My babies. My sweet, precious little babies (no matter what age they are!). What if we had turned our hearts against hearing about orphans? What if we made a choice to get a bigger house rather than paying for our adoptions? What if we had chosen to turn away from the truth of people's pain, brokenness and lonliness so that we could just carry on with our blissfully happy life?

People, I wouldn't have 3 of my sweet, precious, little babies! My babies. They wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be filling my heart to near bursting with gratitude for their presence in my life every single day! I would not be inspired to be a more caring and loving person. I would not look into their faces every day and see the amazing miracle of their lives! Living and breathing right here in our house. The essence of Christ's love living right under my roof.

I encourage you. I challenge you. Please choose to live a radical life. Love Jesus so fully that you can't help but have His love spill over and touch another person's life.


Anonymous said...
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Heidi said...

Beautiful post! I too am struggling with this these days. We have so much and yet we still always "need" more.

Here's to a simpler life full of blessings of the heart.


Anonymous said...

You are so right!We are so caught up in having Stuff, and getting more stuff!! I catch myself each day wanting/wishing I had this or that just like my neighbors or friends have, instead of just being happy for them. When will it stop?? I am reading through the four gospels trying to get a better glimpse of how Jesus would want me to live!! Lynda

Kari --- said...

I would LOVE to adopt.. it's been a dream of mine for 21 years now... since I was 11 years old. I have 2 beautiful boys of my own who ask for a sister on a regular basis. We even have the room... the love, the desire.
HOWEVER... it's not possible. My husband has Situational Anxiety Disorder from his time spent overseas in Bosnia in the army. He's made a remarkable recovery, he's always been a perfect father to our boys... but the history is still there.
Breaks my heart, but there's nothing I can do :( I wish there were guidelines to work around... I'd love to give a child a home, a chance, and all the love they could ever want and need!