Friday, January 25, 2008

So Proud!

I'm using today's post to brag about our 9 year old, Dylan. He plays hockey and really loves it. Yesterday, he was named "Player of the Game" at his hockey tournament so I wanted to share how proud we are of him! He is a great team player, fast skater and makes awesome shots! He was also named "Player of the Game" at his last tournament. What makes this so special is the people who choose the player of the game are not members/coaches of our team, they are people who have never seen the team play before and they watch the game and then choose who they thought played well, played as a team player and worked hard. So, it's always a great compliment to get this award.

Go Dylan! (#6)

I do the music at all of Dylan's home games so Alyssa and I spend a lot of time in the music room at the rink. Sometimes I can talk Caleb into being the DJ and then I get to watch the game and cheer. I enjoy doing the music though, and Dylan's team loves to have music during the game so it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

Woo! Go Dylan! Thanks for adding the link to our blog.

Chase & Courtney

Ricki said...

Way to go Dylan!!! Keep up the good work!